IDC Report
Over 500% return on investment in a new generation Forcepoint firewall. This is one of the conclusions of the IDC report “Quantitative assessment of operational and safety results related to the transition to Forcepoint NGFW”.
IDC has analyzed the business value and benefits of supporting network operations with Forcepoint’s NGFW solutions. The study included interviews with the directors of information security departments of eight enterprises that use Forcepoint NGFW solutions to connect and protect networks and business operations.
IDC predicts that research participants will receive an average of $ 43,845 annually over five years through the implementation of Forcepoint firewalls. This means a 5-year return on investment of 510%. Such high ROI results from the following features of next-generation Forcepoint firewalls:
- ensuring higher network availability by reducing the frequency of interference from violations and cyber-attacks – learn how Forcepoint IPS detects attacks
- reducing the frequency and impact of network security incidents on employees and businesses
- reduction of staff time devoted to network security management and incident response – read about efficient NGFW management
- supporting more agile and reliable network security operations that are easy to implement and that are more efficient.

Find out why IDC recommends Forcepoint NGFW and how eight companies have improved their performance, availability and security with Forcepoint firewalls, achieved a seven-month payback and a 5-year average return on investment of 510%.